Happy Clients

The quality of an agency can be judged by the satisfaction of its clients. Ours not only tell us how pleased they are, they consistently recommend us which is the most valuable testimonial of all.

Customized Protection

Lang specializes in protecting the assets of high net worth individuals and families; it is the focus of our practice, not just one of the things we do for a few wealthy clients. We are skilled at tailoring programs that provide strong coverage at a reasonable cost. For over 40 years, Lang has built excellent relationships with the top insurance carriers and as specialists in this arena can work with them very effectively on your behalf.

A Sophisticated Approach

We know how to judge the true value of significant assets; Agents who don’t specialize in such protections often lack the experience to make sophisticated evaluations. They also can overlook details that make a big difference in how assets will be evaluated by a carrier and how claims are paid. For example, most individuals don’t have liability insurance that is appropriate for their net worth or have major gaps in coverage outside the United States. An analysis of your existing policies allows us to provide sophisticated and straightforward advice on comprehensive risk management going forward.

Our firm is based on personalized service; Lang Insurance clients always hear a helpful person answer the phone, not pre-recorded instructions on what buttons to choose, whether they are calling for a quote or coping with a disaster.

Personal Service

You will never have a middle manager advising you on your insurance needs. Clients always work directly with Kevin Lang, the principal of the firm, to create a customized program tailored to their needs and goals. Clients enjoy the highest levels of personal service and response from every member of our organization, whether it is the principal of the firm or our Private Client Advisors.

Intelligent Expense Reduction

Our goal isn’t to sell you the most insurance we possibly can, it is to intelligently reduce your costs while improving your coverage. We deliver by using our industry experience to consistently reduce the annual insurance costs of new clients by as much as 40-50%.